Bioinformatics Training and Education Program

Sept. 27, 2018: Practical Bioinformatics Skills at the Command Line

Sept. 27, 2018, 9:30 to 4 PM. Save the date.

BTEP presents “Practical Bioinformatics Skills at the Command Line”.

See the link under “Training” and “Upcoming Classes” to register.

Confused about the command line? Working with data on your laptop that you need to move onto the NIH Biowulf cluster for further analysis? Want to transform your BCL files into FASTQ, or turn your BLAST results into an Excel Spreadsheet? Help is available.

1. This will be a hands-on workshop with step-by-step instructions provided.
2. Learn basic unix commands for creating files, moving around the directory tree, running programs on the NIH Biowulf cluster.
3. Use tools like Globus Connect and SCP (WinSCP) to move files from your laptop to Biowulf and back.
4. Understand more about various file formats, how they are related, and learn how to transform from one file type to another.
5. Read from and write to files on Biowulf.
6. Compare the web version and command-line versions of NCBI BLAST tools.