Bioinformatics Training and Education Program

Turning discovery into health with the spatial biology community

Turning discovery into health with the spatial biology community

 When: Oct. 3rd, 2023 9:30 am - 10:30 am

Learning Level: Any

To Know

Building 4 – Room 433 (NIH Bethesda campus)
Seminar - Systems Biology Interest Group
Presented By:
Dr. Andrea Radtke (NIAID)
This class has ended.

About this Class

Multiplexed antibody-based imaging enables the detailed characterization of molecular and cellular organization in tissues. Significant advances in the field now allow high-parameter data collection (60+ targets); however, considerable expertise and capital are needed to validate antibodies, construct antibody panels, and acquire images. To overcome these challenges, we developed Iterative Bleaching Extends multi-pleXity (IBEX), an open-source, community supported method that can be completed at relatively low cost by biologists with basic laboratory skills. The IBEX Imaging Community is an international group of scientists committed to sharing knowledge related to multiplexed imaging in a transparent and collaborative manner. Organ Mapping Antibody Panels (OMAPs) are community-validated resources that save time and money, increase reproducibility, and support the construction of a Human Reference Atlas. Open science empowers discovery across several domains including the construction of molecular and spatial atlases of normal and diseased tissues. To this end, we have employed advanced sequencing and imaging technologies to generate a multi-omic, multi-scale atlas of follicular lymphoma (FL) lymph nodes and the developing human thymus. In summary, a community approach to multiplexed imaging is needed to reduce financial costs, instill confidence in the resulting data, and accelerate translational research efforts.
Short Bio:
Dr. Andrea Radtke is an Associate Scientist at the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Radtke specializes in advanced microscopy techniques including IBEX, an open-source method that enables more than 65 protein biomarkers to be visualized in diverse tissues. She is passionate about team science and open science.
Zoom link: on demand
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