Bioinformatics Training and Education Program

Project Management and Reproducibility in RStudio: Part 1

Project Management and Reproducibility in RStudio: Part 1

 When: Oct. 11th, 2022 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

To Know

Online Webinar
NIH Library
This class has ended.

About this Class

This is an introductory two-part course that focuses on data and project management using R and RStudio. RStudio makes it possible to work on a complete research project in a more efficient, integrated, and organized manner. RStudio also connects with Git and Github, and learners will have a chance to experiment with this integration and understand its advantages for collaboration and version control. Some familiarity or experience in R and RStudio is recommended but not required. Participants are encouraged to install RRStudio and create a GitHub account before the course so that they can follow along with the instructor. Participants must register separately for Part 2 of this class.