Bioinformatics Training and Education Program

Introducing QIIME2, a powerful microbiome analysis platform

Introducing QIIME2, a powerful microbiome analysis platform

 When: Mar. 24th, 2022 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

To Know

Online Webinar
Presented By:
Alex Emmons (BTEP)
This class has ended.

About this Class

Featured in our "Topics in Bioinformatics Series", this class will introduce the QIIME2 platform for microbiome analysis. QIIME2 is a powerful microbiome analysis platform with a wide array of tools that can be used throughout all stages of your microbiome workflow, from raw data to statistical evaluation and visualization. This course will provide an overview of QIIME2, which will include an introduction to the core plugins and methods available with a base QIIME2 installation, tools for reproducibility and visualization, features available for community support and help, and additional learning opportunities. After taking this class, you should have a general idea of whether the QIIME2 platform will be useful for analyzing your microbiome data. For more information on QIIME2, see the QIIME2 website. Meeting link: