Bioinformatics Training and Education Program

A Data Platform for Public Health

A Data Platform for Public Health

 When: Feb. 25th, 2020 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

To Know

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About this Class

The life sciences are in the midst of a data revolution. Inexpensive and accurate genome sequencing is a reality, advanced imaging is routine, and clinical data is increasingly stored in electronic form. In principle, these advances have brought us to the threshold of a new era in medicine, one where the data sciences hold the potential to propel our understanding and treatment of disease. In practice, we are stymied by the operational challenges associated with storing, sharing, and analyzing genomic and clinical data at scale. In this talk, I will overview Broad's efforts at building a data platform to address these unmet needs by 1) building patient-facing software, 2) performing data engineering, 3) creating machine learning tools, and 4) building a cloud-based researcher environment (Terra). I will also overview flagship applications in precision medicine, infectious disease surveillance, and clinical trial design. Dr. Anthony Philippakis, M.D., Ph.D., Chief Data Officer of the Broad Institute, is presenting on efforts to facilitate storing, sharing, and analyzing genomic and clinical data in a scalable manner. He is the lead PI on the NHGRI-funded AnVIL project, through which our team has been able to participate in a pilot for the NIH-WRNMMC symposium, and have seen firsthand its potential for its use facilitating collaborative research. Dr. Philippakis is a highly engaging speaker given his unique expertise in clinical research as well as in informatics. The presentation will also be available to stream over NIH videocast. For more information, contact Sarah Weber (